Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Artistic Expression

I have been watching lots of So You Think You Can Dance lately. And these pieces, some of them just make tear up because they are so touching, and some you just can't stop smiling at. Then I get to thinking of why this is so. At the very basic mechanical level of it, they are just people moving their body and moving around, why is it so affecting? Well, but it is. Even without prior explanation, you feel the expression of art. Of love. And that is the beauty, there is no metric of measuring it. Even when some pieces are not as technical, they are still beautiful because of the heart that is in it.

And with that I get to thinking about my own work. What is my writing doing? Are they just words, words just strung together to carry a meaning. These words have been used a million times, what makes them special? And sometimes I am so paralyzed by judgment of whether my writing is good enough that I find it difficult to carry on writing. So through watching SYTYCD I come to a realization. That if I write from an honest and not pretentious place, it would at least mean something real to me. And because it is real to me, hopefully people can relate to what I am saying also. And that would be my truth and I can live with that. Even if a story is cliche and have been told a million time, if you come from a very real place in telling it, then you can breathe life into that story.

Say people like van Gogh, his paintings were never appreciated until after he died. He was condemned by the art community. And the feeling I get is the type of people that condemned his work as mediocre at the time, are the same kind of people today that think his work was absolutely marvelous. So a prior 'tag' of what is good is never the way to go, and it should not be the direction of where to take my artistic expression.

Given that it is an expression, everyone would have an opinion of your work. And to filter in constructive criticism and be strong and keep persevering with your art is also an important skill. There are plenty of great artists that lots of people like and I just do not like their work. Does that mean their work is not good? I don't think so, just a matter of preference. So what can you do when the whole world thinks your work is absolute rubbish? Again, it is important to take criticism with consideration, but at the end of the day one needs to persevere and be true to one's art, because only with honesty and sincerity will one achieve true artistic expression.

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