Thursday, August 26, 2010


This weekend is city to surf!!! I am still going to body attack tomorrow morning. and probably pump and balance on saturday. I'll just try not to put too much pressure on Sunday. Very excited/apprehensive. Never actually did a 12 km run before. So hopefully I do okay. Well, don't think I'll get any sleep on Saturday night. So hopefully I do not puke on Sunday.

Going to be super hectic few months till about November I think. Lots to do, but it's better than having nothing to do. Still handleable the load at the moment, just need to keep ebbing away at it. Talking about ebbing...makes me think of cake. I love cake.

I actually do no really like cheese cake, unless it's cheese cake that does not really taste like cheesecake. I like perhaps creamy cheesecake, which I guess isn't really much of a cheescake, more of a cheese cream cake. But I do like cheese in itself, I like cheese and crackers. And orange juice.

Talking about orange juice, I wonder if it's bad to drink those that's not really fresh orange juice, that is those with long expiration dates. I drink quite a bit of that.

Talking of fruits, bought really huge green apples at the weekend. Wow wee, apples can really make my puke reflux kick in. I don't know, although apples are sweet, I feel like puking after the whole apple. It's weird. Maybe my body cannot take that much healthiness in 1 sitting.

Ok, so I've talked about puking twice in this post. What have I to say about puking. I actually hate puking. What am I talking about, who the hell likes puking. Well, comparing puking and having an upset stomach. Hmmmm, it depends on what kind of upset stomach.

Okay, I will just stop myself there, I do not want either of those things. So yeah, no more talk of puking or diarrhea.

Mmmm, I do not actually have anything else to say. Mmmm, I have a dirty dirty mind. No actually I don't. If I did I would continue talking about that stuff. But I'm not so I was kind of repulsed by even thinking of that a little too much. *Phew*

Maybe I have something less gross to talk about.

One last thing, the leg of the yaroo jajooba's foot is a little to big fit in a space boot, so it can't go to space. That's species profiling I tells ya! Ooks will come to get you...

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