Saturday, July 17, 2010

No Inhibition

I don't know how I got here again, but I'm reading 5 books at a time. I read some books to almost the end and stopped, then continued on with other books and did the same. So, really now is time for me again to finish off these books. Well, 2 of them are short story books, 1 by Knut Hamsun, the other by Roald Dahl. Oh, wait and also one by Stephen King. So actually that makes 6 books! Okay, so I am also reading Deepak Chopra's Ageless Mind, Timeless Body. Hopefully I can finish that off tonight. Really insightful book. And I am also reading Bulldog Drummond by Sapper, a detective novel. And also just bought Tess of D'urbervilles when I was waiting for my sister shopping. I've gotten about 40 pages into it and geez, it's good. I did not think much of it to be honest, seeing I thought it's be something like Pride and Prejudice or some hoighty toitghty thing like that (to be fair I have not read Pride and Prejudice either...). But yes, this book is getting to be really nice. So, I will try to finish Deepak Chopra's book and also Roald Dahl's short stories, which I am down to the last one, which is his first ever short story. And then after those, I'll hopefully finish Bulldog Drummond. I do not think I will be reading much of the Stephen King as I would like to savour them one by one. So just read one at a time. And Knut Hamsun, that too, probably a bit slower. These are short stories anyways. So no matter. And after that I have gotten 3 Jostein Gaarder books from the library! I will consume those whole in long sessions. Love his books.

Okay, so I really need to make time for writing also. I have all these ideas. And I really need to get them written and stuff. But there seems to be this stop that makes me hesitant to write them. So as an effort to release them, I will start writing stories with no inhibition at all. Living up to my blog of being nonsensical fiction, I shall do literally just that. No inhibition. One may think what with the silly stories I write that was what it was to begin with. But then, there was always a certain measure of sanity to them. What I speak of now, may be stories of no plot or reason. No start or end. I will just write whatever crap that comes to mind, and it will not make sense. So, whatever. I need my creative juices flowing and that requires me to break down that barrier that keeps in the constraints of what I think to be acceptable writing. No, down with it all. I will write the most ridiculous stuff I can. And I may not like it, you may not like it, but I need it.

To be sane, you need to be a bit insane

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