Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Limited Time

Sometimes when I nap in the afternoon, it's only for 10 minutes, but the dreams I have they span an entire afternoon a few days. So the perception of time is really a thing in the head I think. Well, days are 24 hours because that's when the sun rises and sets. But the minutes and seconds in the days. The perception of days in a year, perception of sunrise and sunset connected to time. I think it is the human brain requiring some sort of order.

I mean even the concept of weekends is artificial in itself. But somehow it is so ingrained now on weekends, people do not usually work. For me it is to the point now, if you do not work on weekdays, you would feel this feeling of immense guilt. And if you work on weekends, you would feel indignant, of why you have to work. It is all artificial.

There is something to be said about the limitation of time and how far human can reach in mental evolution. I am still scratching the surface, so I cannot say much.

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