Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Great, Hectic Weeks

This has been and will be the few most hectic weeks ever! So last week wast the week before the non-teaching week and I had to clear a gazillion student reports (exaggeration) before I came back for my sister's wedding this week. Well, so I worked night and day in that week trying to sort everything out and lo behold I got sick for the seventh bloody time this year. I think it's just the coping with stress and not knowing when to stop because I think I can just weather through the slight sickness which always just gradually gets worse. Anyways, was also finalizing my conference paper submission.

Ok, so. The wedding itself was on Tuesday, 28/09/2010. Lots of preparations went in beforehand and Lydia was super stressed and my mom too, so it was great that everything turned out wonderful. The church reception was in the morning and everything went rather smoothly. Except for one thing which is the father that was supposed to conduct the ceremony was on leave and a stand-in father came in at the last minute. And man, this father was crap. I think even he wasn't believing the bullshit sermon he was giving. He sounded like just reading from a piece of paper. Also, the father looked more like the devil's minion or something. He had a nice goatee going on, exactly like how you would picture the devil. But other than that, everything was good.

And the wedding dinner in the evening was great, very glitzy. Well, also I must mention at this point my heads were in the clouds, not only from being deliriously happy for my sister but also because I had taken flu meds and allergy meds which I know now should not mix, because the ceremony might as well have been on a cruise ship and I would be none the wiser. The floor was literally going up and down and swaying side to side, I had trouble keeping vertical. And add to the slight alcohol intake to go with it, yes, I was pretty much knocked out by the end of the night. So I think it's a combination of all that and exhaustion, because I did 2 hours of gym at the hotel the day before, because I thought I was all better. Well, I'm just rambling, still dizzy from all that.

But yes, the ceremony went great without a hitch and by the end Calvin was drunk and KO'd as well, Lydia was alright, she and Cynthia and the rest of the lot went to have drinks after which I did not join, too busy being horizontal on the bed. Well, it was a wonderful day overall and went of with not even as much of a hitch, don't think Lydia could have asked for anything more, and even my mom was sobbing that her daughter's being 'given away' so to speak...

Oh yes, and the next week. With no respite, I need to finish off more corrections of my conference paper tomorrow because it is so very due! And when I'm back I need to prepare for the SUT technical evening which is in 2 weeks time. AND I start Swedish classes coming Monday, get back to Perth Monday morning. So yeah, life is very much super-filled to the brim, and I don't think I'd have it any other way. Give me POMODORO POWER!!!

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