Sunday, March 25, 2012

Power Rangers

I turned on the TV the other day and the Power Rangers was on. Well, not the one I used to watch but the newest version of it, Power Rangers Samurai. It really does bring back memories, when I recall how I used to watch Power Rangers when I was in primary school. Don't get me wrong, I still do watch cartoons now (at the tender age of 25) but I just do not watch the Power Rangers anymore. Here is why.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
I first watched the original Power Ranger series when they just started (the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) and thought it was the most wonderful and awesomest thing in the World. I mean what can be cooler than 5 teenage kids fighting evil. And they even get cool suits and robots. I thought at the time, when I grew up, I wanted to be a Power Ranger  (No one told me at the time that the Power Rangers weren't actually real).

Anyways, true to my avid following of the show, I really wanted to get the Power Rangers Zords (the robots) toys for my birthday. In my childhood, I was usually just allowed a toy at Christmas and for my Birthday. That's it. No IPad, no cellphone, no nada. I think kids these days get spoilt more and more. If you asked the generation before mine, I bet they just got a stick to play with on their birthdays. Anywaysss, I digress. The Zords. Yes. I prayed real hard, and wished real hard that I would get that for my Birthday. These toys weren't cheap, they were 100+ dollars if I recall. So yes, only for my birthday. So I waited and waited, till finally my birthday came...MegaZord plzzzz!!!

The MegaZord!!!

On the day, my dad brought me to the shopping mall and I raced to the toys section and located the Power Rangers MegaZord set that I wanted. (*phew*, no one bought it yet). I held it in my hand like it was the Holy Grail or something, nothing more precious I had ever held in my life. Then my dad paid for it and we went home. This was by far, the best toy I had ever had. I happily played with it for days. Then the day came when the Power Rangers were on TV that week. I was so happy. This time I can do the transformation of the Zords exactly like on TV. I could do it at home with the Zords I have! To a 9 year old, do you know anything any more awesome than that?

So the show started, and it's always the evil monsters up to no good. Followed by some scenes at school where the Power Rangers go to as regular kids. Then some 'human' fights. Then some Ranger fights. Then the monster turns real huge! And here we go. Yeah, I was getting ready. Here we go. It's on! Zord transformation time!...Into the Megazord!!! Yea....that was so cool.

Then fight, fight, fight!

Wait...this ain't right. The freaking Power Rangers are losing. Their Zords were getting beat. And they get the shit pummelled out of them. And that was the end of the episode...To be Continued. Wow, like what the fuck. I just bought these Zords and you're telling me they all just got destroyed???

For the next week, a dark cloud hung over my head as I waited half hoping that the Zords weren't really dead. Till the next episode came, I clung to that hope. And then, my hopes got squished like said Zords. What happened next was horrible. ZeoZords...

Fuckin ZeoZords

Well, what happened next was this. The Power Rangers had lost, regrouped and had transformed themselves into the ZeoRangers. Their old Zords were commited to the Big Metal Compactor in the Sky (no such thing), and they got new ones. The ZeoZords.

Well, fuck this I said . That was the moment I stopped playing with the stupid Zords. That was when I stopped watching the Power Rangers. And that was when I no longer wanted to be a Power Ranger when I grew up.....

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