Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Moment Before I Sleep

I always struggle to think of what to write for this blog. It started out as being the place where I put my thoughts and I would like them to be insightful and perhaps smart. But often times I struggle to think of anything to write. So here I am to write about a particular problem.

The moment I switch off the lights and lay my head on my pillow ready for sleep, always, without fail, the most wonderful idea for a blog post pops into my head. It is as if the thought has been culminating throughout the day, and at the most greatly inappropriate moment it comes to me this gem of an idea. I could never be bothered really to get up again to jot it down, let alone fire up the laptop to write up the post. Perhaps I really should write down these ideas, just so I can see if they really are great ideas. Perhaps in daylight those ideas may actually be turd-like when exposed to the proper lighting. Anyways, it is just very convenient for my procrastinatory (this is not a word I think, given the red squiggly line appeared right under 'procrastinatory') nature that the best thoughts I have occur right when I am about to shut down my brain for the day. Anyways, good or bad, hopefully I have more time to write from now on as my calendar is pretty much clear till the end of the year, when I am presenting at an Engineering Simulation Conference, MODSIM 2011.

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