Friday, July 8, 2011


I just received rejection on two stories I had written for the Australian Horror Writers' Association competition. Well, not that it was rejected, just that it was not selected as winner. I guess it was too much to ask for seeing that they are the first stories I have actually ever submitter. But it still is disappointing. I start asking myself is it not good enough; is my story not good enough, are my prose weak, are my characters not believable. Then I also ask; what are they looking for in a story, what do they want, are my stories not it. But alas, it really does not matter. These things can be quite subjective. Even I reading other people's work, have criticism of the best of authors in the horror genre. So what more to say me, who have just started off. Just keep on writing stories, then keep polishing them until it is acceptable to me is pretty all that matters I guess.

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