Thursday, June 9, 2011

No Future in Art

I have for the past few days been working rather hard on getting more submissions in for the Foot Locker Art Competition. Here is my realization. It is actually very expensive to produce good art, or rather I am just too cheap. I went to the Arts Supply store and found Copic Markers to be Aus$ 10 per marker. Quite exorbitant I feel that, and I wouldn't want to spend that kind of money for it anyways. Also my skills really aren't that good to require such tools. And also a tablet for drawing on the computer is pricey too, the top of the line one is 2k! Nooo, not spending that kind of money also. And I would have to learn how to use Photoshop properly to justify getting that. I can't be bothered learning Photoshop.

And there is so much to learn in painting too! Oils, paints, techniques. I guess I love art very much, but it is not one of those things that I really want to master. I am happy just drudging away in my amateur ways. What I'm saying is, art as a profession is not something I would like to pursue. I do not like feeling defeated by a challenge, as something I cannot do well, I usually strive to get good at it. But I feel so stretched to things now, with so many things I am trying to pursue. I need to prioritize and be serious about what I want in life and just focus on these things. Some discipline and single mindedness really would not go amiss. I am too kooky lala sometimes. One day I am here, next day I am there. In there end I think I would end up nowhere. So here is is. Work on the fundamentally important things first, I don't want to be a dreamer all my life. I want to make some of my dreams reality, lest I continue on this pursuance of forever unfulfilled dreams. So I have this one dream, and I would chase it down first because it is the one most important thing in my life. Writing, and so that is what I am doing now. Although it is not fiction writing, but still better than nothing. Writing is my priority, not art. Ah, no more rambling on. I have made my point I feel.

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