Thursday, November 25, 2010

Let the drivel commence

As this blog would attest to, I have been rather busy and have not been as forthcoming with the writing as I would like. This being pressed for time very much in the past month or so. Let this not be a prelude of this to come for I really do need to again ignite the flame for writing and write more every day.

Writing is like delicate but resilient plant. If one does not tend to it, it becomes frail and pitiful. And whence one looks at it after some time of neglect, it bears no semblance to what it formerly was. It has mutated beyond recognition. Not that it has changed to something ugly, just that the words are read that seem to be written by someone quite not myself. I do not recognize myself in the words. But to come up with new words for new stories, these do not come easily now that writing has ceased for such a long time. But here is where the resilience come into play, that when you force yourself to write again, words do come eventually. These words are not beautiful, they do not flow, it is like a river clogged by dust and debris for running dry too long. But as the small drops of water seep through the barrier, then comes a small drivel of water. Then sooner than you can say your granny has a fat ass, the barrier bursts and the blockage has been destroyed. Then the question you ask, what of my grandmother? Well, obviously if her ass was any larger it would have acted as a second barrier. But it was not of that magnitude yet, so were are all safe and the river runs free again.

Here is a story.
In times to come, my never ending search for I don't know what will continue, and I shall present said drivel to a bunch of drivel enthusiasts in 2 weeks time. And they shall probably ask,"What is this person driveling on about?" Then I with all conviction shall reply,"If you do not know, why are you here?" To which a reply,"To listen to new knowledge of course." To which I retort,"And since my drivel is not understood, is that not new knowledge?" which beckons a response,"No, it just means you're full of crap." "Indeed." "Touche."

And that story be a lesson to you. Never user the word touche, obviously it is wrongly used here. But when one counters with a clever retort, never acknowledge it with a touche. Acknowledge it by punching them full in the face.

So what is my point again? That it is this. I have not written for quite a while, and there is crap in my brain that needs letting out. So this blog has been re instated as my intellectual toilet bowl. I need to write up more fibre so the words come out smoother because obviously I have been having a mental constipation for the past few months. And yes, I did just go there, I used taking a dump analogies.

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